Was hältst Du vom Status zu {topic}?
JavaScript entwickelt sich in die richtige Richtung.Fortschritt: 86.9% (20640)Fortschritt: 86.9% (20640)
Fortschritt: 86.9% (20640)
Fortschritt: 86.9% (20640)
Starke Zustimmung | |
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Starke Ablehnung |
JavaScript Apps zu bauen ist derzeit übermäßig komplex.Fortschritt: 87.6% (20813)Fortschritt: 87.6% (20813)
Fortschritt: 87.6% (20813)
Fortschritt: 87.6% (20813)
Starke Zustimmung | |
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Starke Ablehnung |
JavaScript wird online zu oft genutzt.Fortschritt: 87.6% (20828)Fortschritt: 87.6% (20828)
Fortschritt: 87.6% (20828)
Fortschritt: 87.6% (20828)
Starke Zustimmung | |
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Neutral | |
Ablehnung | |
Starke Ablehnung |
We asked members of the JavaScript community to share their “pick of the year”
My 2020 Pick: Ben Hong
Ben is one of the most generous people in the JS community. He's active in open source (on the Vue core team), consistently makes useful content for developers to learn, and is very giving with his time.
We asked members of the JavaScript community to share their “pick of the year”
Cassidy Williams
Principal Developer Experience Engineer at Netlify
Ich genieße es JavaScript Apps zu bauen.Fortschritt: 87.7% (20852)Fortschritt: 87.7% (20852)
Fortschritt: 87.7% (20852)
Fortschritt: 87.7% (20852)
Starke Zustimmung | |
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Neutral | |
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Starke Ablehnung |
Ich würde JavaScript gerne als meine primäre Programmiersprache verwenden.Fortschritt: 87.8% (20870)Fortschritt: 87.8% (20870)
Fortschritt: 87.8% (20870)
Fortschritt: 87.8% (20870)
Starke Zustimmung | |
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Neutral | |
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Starke Ablehnung |
Das JavaScript-Ökosystem verändert sich zu schnell.Fortschritt: 87.8% (20874)Fortschritt: 87.8% (20874)
Fortschritt: 87.8% (20874)
Fortschritt: 87.8% (20874)
Starke Zustimmung | |
Zustimmung | |
Neutral | |
Ablehnung | |
Starke Ablehnung |
How happy are you with the general state of web technologies?
How happy are you with the general state of JavaScript?
What do you feel is currently missing from JavaScript?Fortschritt: 7.9% (1883)Fortschritt: 7.9% (1883)
Fortschritt: 7.9% (1883)
Fortschritt: 7.9% (1883)
Features, die Du irgendwann gerne in JavaScript sehen möchtest.
Recommended Resources
Mike North
TypeScript 3 Fundamentals, v2
Learn key Typescript features such as typing variables and function signatures, abstract classes, interfaces, enums and more.
Wes Bos
React For Beginners
Upgrade your JavaScript skills to learn React.js in just a couple of afternoons.
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