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Laden und Verwalten von Daten in Apps.

Einstufung von Bekanntheit, Interesse und Zufriedenheit.

Technologies with less than 10% awareness not included. Each ratio is defined as follows:

  • Satisfaction: would use again / (would use again + would not use again)
  • Interest: want to learn / (want to learn + not interested)
  • Usage: (would use again + would not use again) / total
  • Awareness: (total - never heard) / total
We asked members of the JavaScript community to share their “pick of the year”

My 2020 Pick: Insomnia

Insomnia is an app that allows you to design, test, and deploy API Workflows with a clean, simplified UX- it has both REST and GraphQL support, though clearly the puns are better if you're using REST.

We asked members of the JavaScript community to share their “pick of the year”

Überblick über Meinungen zu Technologien, abgefragt über die Zeit.

Würde ich nicht verwenden
Kein Interesse
Würde ich wieder verwenden
Nie davon gehört

Technologies with only one year of data are not included.

This chart splits positive (“want to learn”, “would use again”) vs negative (“not interested”, “would not use again”) experiences on both sides of a central axis.

Bar thickness represents the number of respondents aware of a technology.

Andere Werkzeuge
Fortschritt: 3.6% (851)
Fortschritt: 3.6% (851)

Andere Werkzeuge in dieser Kategorie (Freifeldtext).

Auf einer Skala von eins (sehr unzufrieden) bis fünf (sehr zufrieden), wie zufrieden sind Entwickler allgemein mit dem Status in dieser Kategorie?

Recommended Resources

State Management in Pure React, v2

In this course, we’ll look at the core APIs in React to handle state, including both in the traditional component state, as well as in React hooks.

Client-Side GraphQL in React

In this course, you'll use queries and mutations to fetch and update GraphQL API data. You'll go further with variables, inputs, aliases on fields.
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