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Things that stood out this year.

Meist genutzte Technologie

Vergeben an die Technologie mit dem größten Fortschritt.

TypeScript was already popular, and with a +14.7% growth in usage it looks like it's only going to get more ubiquitous going forward.

Runner Ups

2. Next.js: +11.5%
3. Cypress: +10.1%

Höchste Zufriedenheit

Vergeben an die Technologie mit der höchsten Zufriedenheit.

With a sky-high satisfaction rating of 97%, Testing Library is 2020's overall most beloved tool.

Runner Ups

2. Jest: 96%
3. GraphQL: 94%

Größtes Interesse

Vergeben an die Technologie, die Entwickler am liebsten lernen wollen.

GraphQL continues to be the one thing developers want to learn more about with an interest ratio of 86%, as soon as they can finally find the time.

Runner Ups

2. Jest: 83%
3. Snowpack: 81%

Meiste Eintragungen

Awarded to the item with the most write-in answers

People are always passionate about text editors, and with 134 mentions IntelliJ IDEA wins the award for the most write-in answers.

Runner Ups

2. Adonis: 117
3. Vite: 85