[sv-SE] general.skip_to_content

Other Tools

Other JavaScript tools.

Completion percentage: 80.8% (19202)
Completion percentage: 80.8% (19202)

Which libraries do you regularly use?

Other Libraries
Completion percentage: 5.7% (1365)
Completion percentage: 5.7% (1365)

Other answers (freeform field).

Completion percentage: 88.3% (20974)
Completion percentage: 88.3% (20974)

Vilka verktygsbibliotek använder du regelbundet?

Andra verktygsbibliotek
Completion percentage: 2.6% (626)
Completion percentage: 2.6% (626)

Övriga svar (fritextfält).

We asked members of the JavaScript community to share their “pick of the year”

My 2020 Pick: ECMAScript Modules

Working with modules on the JavaScript ecosystem has been messy. ES2020 came with ES Modules to end that. Even it's stable on Node.js. Yei!

We asked members of the JavaScript community to share their “pick of the year”

Miguel Ángel Durán

Lead Frontend @ Adevinta & Content Creator

JavaScript Runtimes
Completion percentage: 87.3% (20744)
Completion percentage: 87.3% (20744)

Which engines/runtimes/execution environments do you regularly use?

Other Runtimes
Completion percentage: 0.4% (105)
Completion percentage: 0.4% (105)

Other answers (freeform field).

Completion percentage: 88.4% (21013)
Completion percentage: 88.4% (21013)

Vilka text-editor(s) använder du regelbundet?

Andra text-editors
Completion percentage: 3.8% (900)
Completion percentage: 3.8% (900)

Övriga svar (fritextfält).

Completion percentage: 88.7% (21074)
Completion percentage: 88.7% (21074)

Vilka webbläsare jobbar du i primärt under initial utveckling?

Övriga webbläsare
Completion percentage: 1.2% (278)
Completion percentage: 1.2% (278)

Övriga svar (fritextfält).

Språk Utöver JavaScript
Completion percentage: 68.9% (16369)
Completion percentage: 68.9% (16369)

Vilka andra programmeringsspråk använder du?

Andra språk
Completion percentage: 4% (950)
Completion percentage: 4% (950)

Övriga svar (fritextfält).

Recommended Resources

Enhance your App with Rich Editing Capabilities from Froala

Add simple yet smart editing capabilities into your Apps using the WYSIWYG HTML Froala Editor.
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