[en-US] general.skip_to_content

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Other technologies and patterns

Progressive Web Apps
Completion percentage: 91.5% (21743)
Completion percentage: 91.5% (21743)

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are web apps that use service workers, manifests, and other web-platform features in combination with progressive enhancement to give users an experience on par with native apps.



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WebAssembly (WASM)
Completion percentage: 92% (21871)
Completion percentage: 92% (21871)

WebAssembly is a new type of code that can be run in modern web browsers — it is a low-level assembly-like language with a compact binary format that runs with near-native performance and provides languages such as C/C++, C# and Rust with a compilation target so that they can run on the web. It is also designed to run alongside JavaScript, allowing both to work together.



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Recommended Resources

Exploring Service Workers

PWAs represent the dream of web apps getting all the same capabilities, and performance, of native apps.
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